Machine Learning Summer School

What is the Summer School About?​

You are going to learn how to automatically classify objects, perform face recognition, create artificial intelligence for games, apply deep learning to image/audio processing, and more. MLSS@UNIZA 2022 is to be conducted jointly by experienced specialists from the University of Žilina, the University of Belgrade, and the University of L’Aquila.

How and When?​

The summer school combines lectures and interactive tutorials. The emphasis is mostly on building skills through simple practical examples, but you will also learn about the basic ideas that underlie the methods.

The summer school is going to run in a hybrid format. The face-to-face part will be

Monday 5th to Tuesday 6th September 2022.

The program starts at 9:00 and runs until around 17:00 each day with a 1-hour lunch break and several shorter breaks. The full program, including the precise times and topics for each block, will be provided soon.

The online form will run from the 7th of September till the 30th of November.

During the online classes, you can select among several courses. If you are a student and complete a certain sequence of courses, you can earn ECTS credits and a certificate.

Take Part, Register Here!

Hurry up! Registration closes on 22nd 29th July.

Face-to-face tutorials

Some of the tutorials during the online period (7th Sept. – 30th Nov.) will take place on-site! The exact dates will be published soon.

To Be Conducted in English

The official language of the summer school is English. All lectures and practical tutorials will be conducted in English.

Free for Students This Year

We are happy to inform you that for all this year’s student participants, we have decided to offer summer school completely free of charge. The school runs this year thanks to the development project:
“Hybrid education in the field of artificial intelligence,
machine learning and cybernetics at UNIZA” (002ZU-2-1-2021, “Hybridné vzdelávanie v oblasti umelej inteligencie, strojového učenia a kybernetiky na UNIZA”) by The Ministry of Education, Science,
Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic and KEGA project “Integrated Teaching for Artificial Intelligence Methods at the University of Žilina” (008ŽU-4/2021).

What Should an Attendee Know Beforehand?


An attendee should possess basic programming skills: for most of our content, we will be working with Python. Should you need a refresher on that or some other related topics, online courses will be available to attendees before summer school starts.

The basics of algebra, mathematical analysis, and optimization will also be useful if you want a more in-depth understanding of certain topics. However, none of these is strictly necessary.

What is Machine Learning?

Even if you haven’t heard much about machine learning, you’ve probably heard a little about artificial intelligence. When thinking about the subject, one shouldn’t imagine an army of machines that are out to take over humanity.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning methods are already here. We interact with them daily, whether we are using swiping keyboards on our smartphones, searching by faces in Google Photos, getting music and video recommendations, taking directions from an automatic navigation system, or using automatic translation to navigate foreign language websites. They have become part of our everyday lives.

They are also increasingly becoming a standard part of an engineer’s toolbox, which is why we want to give you an opportunity to learn more about them.

If you want to be among those to whom machine learning is more than a buzzword, take this opportunity to broaden your knowledge, gain practical skills and meet like-minded people.